About spinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper...

What is spinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper...?

Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), also known as Forestier's disease, affects the ligaments around the spine. Sections of the ligaments turn into bone in this disorder, which is considered to be a form of degenerative arthritis.

The conversion of ligamental tissue to bone usually extends along the sides of the vertebrae of the spine. (This may be called flowing calcification.) Also, DISH is associated with inflammation (tendinitis) and calcification of the tendons, especially at the points at which the tendon attaches to the bones. When this happens, the patient is said to have developed bone spurs, especially in the heel and ankles (heel spurs).

DISH affects three or more vertebrae that are most often located in the chest or in the spine between the chest and pelvis. It is a disorder of older patients, more often affecting men than women ages 50-60. The disorder is often found in association with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity.

What are the symptoms for spinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper...?

Hormigueo en las piernas symptom was found in the spinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper... condition

  • Stiffness. Stiffness may be most noticeable in the morning.
  • Pain. You might feel Pain in your back or in other affected areas, such as your shoulder, elbow, knee or heel.
  • Loss of range of motion. You might notice this most when stretching side to side.
  • Difficulty swallowing or a hoarse voice. You might have these if you have DISH in your neck.

What are the causes for spinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper...?

DISH is caused by the buildup of calcium salts in the ligaments and tendons and a hardening and overgrowth of bone. But what causes these to occur is unknown.

What are the treatments for spinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper...?

While there's no cure for diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, you can take steps to reduce pain and stiffness. Treatment is also aimed at keeping the condition from worsening and at preventing complications.

Because of the relationship between DISH and conditions such as obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, treating those conditions might slow or halt the progression of DISH.


Your doctor might recommend over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others). More-severe pain can be treated with corticosteroid injections.


Physical therapy can reduce the stiffness associated with DISH. Exercises might also increase the range of motion in your joints. Ask your doctor about specific exercises you can do. He or she might refer you to a physical therapist for further guidance.


Surgery might be needed in rare cases when diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis causes severe complications. People who have difficulty swallowing due to large bone spurs in the neck might need surgery to remove the bone spurs. Surgery might also relieve pressure on the spinal cord caused by DISH.

What are the risk factors for spinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper...?

Doctors have some idea of what can increase your risk of the condition. Risk factors include:

  • Sex. Men are more likely to develop DISH.
  • Older age. DISH is most common in older adults, especially in people older than 50.
  • Diabetes and other conditions. People with type 2 diabetes might be more likely to develop DISH than are those who don't have diabetes. Other conditions that can raise insulin levels in your body may also increase your risk, including hyperinsulinemia, prediabetes and obesity.
  • Certain medications. Long-term use of medications called retinoids, such as isotretinoin (Amnesteem, Claravis, others), which are used to treat skin conditions such as acne, can increase your risk.

Is there a cure/medications for spinal diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper...?

The disorder known as Spinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis causes the tendons and ligaments to stiffen. This specific form of arthritis. Reduced mobility, stiffness, and soreness are possible effects of this syndrome. Physical therapy, surgery, medicines, and the application of heat all have a role in managing DISH.

Diagnosis available for Spinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyper

  • A comprehensive physical examination and imaging tests like x-rays, CT scans, or MRIs are typically used by doctors to make the diagnosis of Spinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis.
  • To rule out other conditions with the same symptoms, the same tests might also be carried out.

Cure or Medication for the Spinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis

  • Spinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis has no known treatment.
  • The development calcification or bone development cannot be stopped by treatment.
  • Instead, treatment focuses on symptom management and delaying the progression of the illness (getting worse).

Options for DISH treatment include:

  • Heat compressor
  • Warm compresses can relieve pain and stiffness.

In order to treat pain, doctors may suggest medications like:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) and over-the-counter painkillers
  • Injections of corticosteroids
  • Muscle relaxants


When the bone overgrowth presses on nerves or makes breathing difficult, doctors will commonly operate to treat Spinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyper.

Maintaining a healthy weight and blood sugar levels can lower your risk of Spinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyper. You may reduce your risk of developing Spinal Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyper by limiting the amount of vitamin A-containing drugs you consume"

Numbness or tingling in legs,Pain,Reduced mobility,Stiffness,Trouble swallowing or hoarseness
Chronic (ongoing) pain,Increased risk of bone fractures (breaks),Loss of mobility in the affected area,Sleep apnea (disorder that causes breathing problems during sleep),Trouble breathing or swallowing
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,Corticosteroid injections

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